May Long
Happy May long weekend my Canadian friends! Our long weekend comes a week before the Memorial Day weekend in the US. This weekend always means the start of summer for me. It's well known fact in my town that nothing gets planted outdoors until after May long or you risk losing it all to frost (in fact - it frosted here last night). There are a few brave folks who have already planted but they are the renegades of the bunch. Our last frost is June 9th here in the mountains (something after living here for nearly 25 years, I am still coming to grips with). Thankfully I have three plots at my local community greenhouse so I have a jump start on the season, but I'll be planting my outdoors seeds the second the weekend has passed. The Tuesday after this long weekend is nearly as exciting for me as the weekend itself!
This May long, Heather and I are heading out on a girl's road trip to BC. Even though we have been had this trip scheduled for a long time, we have no real plans. We have a general direction in mind (how brave are we not booking hotels in advance!) but really want to keep the weekend free-sprited. I am really excited about the entire trip - I envision lots of 90's music, beaches, girl talk, and window shopping!
Marc's having a boy's weekend himself - his cousin is coming to visit from the city, and Uncle Frank will be taking them out to the lake on his new boat! Who knows, perhaps there is a freshly caught trout recipe brewing for a future post? :)
I have a post scheduled for Sunday - I'm a little bit nervous not being around a computer until the following day, but I have faith in technology to do it's part (I hope those are not famous last words!).
I hope you all have an excellent weekend, and do something relaxing and fun! Tell me, what are your plans for the long weekend?
xoxo Jax
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