It's not everyday you have the chance to celebrate someone's 100th birthday with them! Today I'm celebrating the birthday of one of my favourite popcorn companies - Jollytime!
For as long as I can remember I've been purchasing their popcorn kernels by the 4kg jug. I have their old fashioned popcorn maker which replicates the taste of movie theatre popcorn perfectly! Popcorn is definitely my family's favourite go-to snack, and with the wide variety of flavour options that Jollytime has available, everyone's taste pallets will rejoice.
Not only have they been around for 100 years, which in itself is an amazing accomplishment - they are still a family run business to this day. Watch their 100th Birthday Celebration video below narrated buy their current CEO's great grandsons Carlton P. Smith and Garrett K. Smith:
- 12 cups of (popped) Jollytime popcorn
(equal to 2 bags microwave popcorn or 3 oz unpopped kernels).
- 1/4 cup butter (plus more for hands)
- 10 oz mini vanilla marshmallows
- 1/4 cup rainbow sprinkles
Cook popcorn as per package directions and place contents in a large bowl.
In a medium pot, melt butter over low heat, then add marshmallows. Stir frequently until melted. Pour over popcorn and stir to coat popcorn evenly.
When mixture has cooled enough to handle, mix in sprinkles (if you mix them in while the popcorn is still hot, they will melt).
Form popcorn balls with buttered hands and place on a parchment lined baking sheet to harden.
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