Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sandy's Chicken Tacos and Fresh Salsa

My friend Sandy makes the most delicious tacos!  She is from Mexico so her tacos are completely authentic. The very first time that I tried them I knew that I was ruined for all other tacos and salsas.   In fact, was recently in Mexico and I actually thought Sandy's tacos were much better than the ones I had there!  She truly is an amazing cook, and I'm really excited that she agreed to share her recipe with us! Not only is she sharing the recipes with everyone who is reading, she was also the guest chef in this week's Cooking With Jax Cooking Class! 

These tacos are made using simple ingredients, and are incredibly easy to whip up.  They freeze really well (if they make it to the freezer that is!) so they can be made well in advance. 

Chicken Tacos

- 1 lb. chicken
- 20 thin [corn] tortillas
- 2 medium fresh tomatoes
- 1/2 fresh onion
- 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, a little fresh oregano salt and pepper to taste


[This step can be done ahead of time]
Boil chicken with enough water to cover the chicken.  Add fresh oregano, a bit of onion and a little salt - boil for 30 minutes. Remove the chicken and let cool.  Shred the chicken and then separately chop tomato and onion into cubes. Sprinkle with dried oregano salt and pepper.

Pre-heat 1 1/2 cups of oil in a pan.  Meanwhile, soften the tortillas for 10 seconds in the microwave.  

Put some of the chicken mixture inside of the tortilla.

Roll up the tacos

                                                               Trina rolling tacos during class

                                                  Kennedy Holt, rolling tacos during class

Place rolled tacos seam side down into pre-heated oil and fry for a 2-3 minutes on each side, or until tacos are crisp and lightly browned. 

Place cooked tacos in a colander lined with paper towel (be sure to put a plate underneath to catch any excess oil). 

Serve with fresh salsa.

Fresh Salsa

- 2 fresh tomatoes
- 1 fresh onion
- 1 bag shredded carrots
- tomatillo (optional)
- fresh cilantro
- 1/2 cup orange juice
- 2 limes 
- salt to taste


Chop all ingredients in to small cubes and and mix them in a bowl add the lime juice, orange juice, and salt to taste.

Salsa will keep for up to 1 week in the fridge (I highly doubt it will last that long though!). 

                                                                                          A few students dishing up

                                                                         Norma enjoying her tacos        



  1. I am from Venezuela, and my husband is American but his family loves Mexican food. I love Mexican food but am not too familiar cooking it! So I've been looking for recipes to impress them! This looks delicious!

  2. We've been making these, but with rotel, and garlic salt with sautéed onions in the mix for over 30 years!! Absolutely Love them! Our whole family begs to come over when we make them! Actually made them yesterday so we would have leftovers for the Chiefs game!! Go Chiefs!!!!!
