Sunday, November 29, 2015

Oven Baked Breakfast Sandwiches

This post sponsored by World Kitchen.  I was compensated monetarily as well as with product for this post.  As always, all thoughts and options are my own, and I only work with brands that I use in my own kitchen. 

This simple, out-the-door breakfast is quick and easy with convenience in mind, and one you'll definitely want to remember this holiday season.  Using a muffin pan, you can make large quantities of easy to assemble, wholesome and nutritious breakfast sandwiches in a breeze! 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Oven Baked Bacon

This is kind of one of those recipes that's like "seriously, how is this even a recipe?".
It is however, my absolute favourite way to make bacon.  This might be the way you make bacon already, but just incase this helps even one person make the best bacon of their entire life, then this post will have served it's purpose. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Butternut Squash Pie

Here's my latest recipe, as it appeared in the November 5th edition of my local newspaper, The Hinton Voice

[Move over pumpkin, there’s a new pie in town.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Roadtrip, a Harvest Supper, and a Bridal Show

Two of my best friends in the entire world are getting married next summer, and and one night over phyrohy's last spring they gave me the honour of asking me if I would be in their wedding.  I of course said yes, and thus began my first ever journey of being a Bridesmaid! 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Some days you just want to colour…

A page from my most recent adventures in colouring. 
So, the inevitable happened - I missed a day blogging yesterday as part of NaBloPoMo.  It was 11pm and just as I was drifting off to sleep after a long, yet content day the realization that I hadn't posted anything yet.   Ultimately though, sleep won (I literally have no willpower when it comes to doing things vs sleeping). I reflected on the day that had passed, and decided that it wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't post that day.  I spent a much needed day getting a bunch of work off my to-do list (check out the new class list on the blog's home page!), getting organized with some of the volunteer organizations I'm apart of, and then capped the evening off  in the best way possibly - having drinks and colouring at a local bar/lounge with my closest friends. You read that right, my friends and I had a highly engaging evening filled with adult colouring. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies

Last year I had the privilege of interviewing the band Big Sugar (you can check out the interview here, and the band's frontman Gordie Johnson's old family recipe for Weekly Tomato Sauce here).  It was my very first interview on the other side of the mic and needless to say I was incredibly nervous!  As a result I spent the entire evening before the concert stress baking - and that was the night these cookies were born.  I decided to take the opportunity to share the cookies with the band - as soon as the interview was over, Gordie invited me to the greenroom and signed a couple of cd's for me (total fangirl moment right there) and started stacking the cookies in his mouth two at a time.  In between bites he told me that they were the best fucking cookies he had ever had in his entire life. I probably would have thought I was dreaming if I hadn't been a complete nerd and completely forgot to turn the recorder off after the interview.  Heh. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Old Fashioned Butter Pie Crust

Back in September we went to visit my Grandparents who live on Vancouver Island.  We arrived right at the tail end of harvesting season so my Gramps and I decided to visit some orchards and pick some apples. Well, needless to say one thing led to another and before you know it there was just over 200 lbs of freshly picked apples, pears, and squash in the back of my car, all ready to be made into something delicious.  As you can imagine, the next few weeks were filled with apple everything.  I made apple crisp, apple sauce, pear sauce, apple butter, and many, many apple pies

Monday, November 2, 2015

Classic Macaroni Salad

I recently spent Canadian Thanksgiving with my brother and his friends.  While I was there his friend's wife Emily, who is from LA, introduced me to a traditional American Thanksgiving dish - "Green Bean Casserole" (seriously, where has this been all my life? It was SO good. You can see it pictured above to the left of the gravy decanter).  In addition to my Gramma's famous Apple Pie and a new recipe I was trying for Butternut Squash Pie (look for the recipe in this week's edition of Hinton Voice, or on the blog this Sunday!) my brother asked me to make a macaroni salad.    

Sunday, November 1, 2015

National Blog Post Month (NaBloPoMo)

I did something absolutely crazy recently - I signed on to be a part of National Blog Post Month (NaBloPoMo), which means that I'll be writing a post a day for the entire month of November.